What is the process for becoming a New Luminate Reporter?

What is the process for becoming a New Luminate Reporter?

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Luminate reporter! 

On-boarding Process:
1. Complete New Provider Form
2. Content Services reviews submission for eligibility
3. If eligible, Content Services will pass along to Data Partners for set up, which will include:

a. Providing File Format

b. Reporting Instructions (i.e – Frequency, deadlines, etc)

c. Test File received from retailer by email

d. Data Partners Team reviews and provides feedback (if needed)

d. Test load performed

e. SFTP credentials provided to reporter

Note: New reporters must provide at least 4 weeks of data before inclusion in Luminate market share and Billboard charting. 

To remain an active contributing reporter to Luminate market share universe and inclusion within Billboard charting you must consistently report each week. If you go a week or two without reporting your reporting account will automatically become inactive and will need to repeat the four week trial period before being re-introduced into the Luminate market share.

5. Sales Provider agreement provided by Content Services

6. Officially On-boarded

If you have any questions on the status of on-boarding please reach out to contentservices@luminatedata.com.