How do I use the interactive Music Connect API documentation?
If you have an active "Luminate Data" account with access to the Music Connect API, you can explore the API
In order to use the different endpoints, you need to authorize:
- Click on the first section for the POST /auth endpoint on the left side of the screen.
- Click on the “Try It Out” button on the right-side panel of the documentation.

- Enter the unique API Key assigned to your company in the "x-api-key" field.
- Enter your "Luminate Data" credentials in the "username" and "password" fields, and click on the "Execute" button.
- Retrieve and copy the alphanumeric value for "access_token" from the Response Body.
- Click on the “Authorize” button in the top right corner of the right panel.
- Paste your access token in the “OktaAuthorizer” field and click the "Authorize" button.

- Paste the unique API Key assigned to your company in the "APIKeyHeader" field and click the "Authorize" button.

- You are now ready to explore the other endpoints!

Prefer the old documentation? Click
here to find out how to see the old swagger hub documentation.
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