The Format Chart Report offers a side by side comparison of Streaming, Airplay Spins, and Airplay Audience for a list of Songs ranked by the selected Airplay Spins.
Report results will display National and Market (DMA) Level (if selected) ranks and metrics for the most recent week (TW), the prior week (LW), YTD (year to date), and ATD (all to date) for Streaming, Airplay Spins, and Airplay Audience.
From the Metro Radio Streaming module, click Format Report.
Highlighted are the tiles you can customize:
In Calendar you can choose the the Last Chart Week, or the current Building Week:
In the Report Name you can name your report so it's easier to find in your Content Manager. In future updates to Metro Radio Streaming you will be able to schedule these reports within the Report Name tile:
Choose your streaming market (DMA) from the Streaming Market tile or leave it on the default National:
Choose whether you want to see Current, Recurrent, or Gold titles from the C/R/G tile:
Choose the Format of your report from the Format Tile:
The panel of stations comprising each format can be found here:
Title and Artist results in the first 5 columns are ranked by the Airplay Spins TW metric, with the streaming rank (National TW) Rank being the first column for comparison. Scrolling right at the arrow will bring you to the Airplay Spins and Airplay Audience metrics.
The results can be sorted by any other rank and metric column by clicking the up/down arrow next to the column header:
Rank and metric columns will appear with market level data if a market other than National is selected in the Streaming Market filter tile.