How do I create a file to report my mail order sales?

How do I create a file to report my mail order sales?

To report mail order sales to MRC, you’ll need to begin by creating a sales file. For your convenience, we have created an excel macro that will make this process easier.  Please scroll to bottom and download the attached zip file relevant to the country you reside. (US for United States, CA for Canada) You can utilize the excel template to create your sales files.

 If you still wish to manually create, please follow the formatting instructions listed below: 

First, download and open the program Notepad ++.

Here is our example sales file:


File Header (First line only):



The ‘92’ indicates that this is the header line, and contains the header information.

The ‘4030’ is the standard chain for all of our IMO providers.

The ‘aaaaa’ is for your account number.

The YYMMDD is the date of the sales contained in the file.


Sales reporting lines:



The ‘M3’ indicates this is a sales line. Every IMO sales line starts with “M3”.

Next is the 13-digit barcode (EAN) for the product sold. (If your UPC is less than 13 digits, add zero's to the beginning of the UPC to make it 13 digits)

Next is the zipcode of the customer. We only want 5 digits, DO NOT add extensions.

The last letter should be “S” for Sale or “R” for return.

File Footer (Last line only):

94    13 13

The ‘94’ indicates the end of the file.

Next is six-digit line indicator, here showing that there are 13 sales lines in the file.

Next is a six-digit sales quantity, indicating 13 sales. If there are returns, that number will go here instead of the sales total.

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